Ceilhit heating systems provide also an interesting application within the vine sector, helping protecting the crops against adverse climatic conditions.
With the global warming, the vineyards prune every time earlier in the season, whereas the risk of spring frosts still remains very high. Frost can widely damage in a very short time, the sprouted buds and the growing young twigs (with high water content). This problem occurring from -2ºC leads to very high loss on the vineyard production yield. Our heating cable provides an efficient protection to the vineyard against those climatic risks and prevent from losing harvest yield.
Developed in collaboration with a winemaker, this patented system, has already been installed successfully in more than 10 hectares across different French wine areas. The heating cable, fixed on the vine guiding wires, will heat the young twigs, from which will grow the fruiting branches. The cable will transfer heat by conduction to the sprouted buds on the guiding wire and by radiation to the other buds on the vines.
Our wide range of heating cables allows to provide a personalized solution, suitable for each vineyard configuration (amount of rows and rows lengths). The heating cable construction especially developed for this application presents a high mechanical resistance, resistance to UV radiation and to plant-protection products.
This system unlike other, is a one-time investment easy to operate, more ecological and economical than the other existing methods of protection:
- Candle systems spread across the vineyard that burn fossil fuel: high cost, very polluting and very intensive in labour force needed to operate.
- Overhead sprinkler / Water sprayer: high investment and difficult to operate in most of the vineyards due to limited availability of water close to the vineyard.
- Air mixing by blowing the warmer upper air down by the use of wind turbine tower (or even in some vineyards by helicopter): very high costs and not effective at very low temperature.
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